First, I worked my next to the last day in Grand Prairie. Even though I'm really looking forward to working 45 minutes closer to where I live, the day was bittersweet. I wrapped up my time with my kids from one of my campuses this afternoon. A couple of them I've had since I started in the district. It was really sweet because one of them kept adding more pieces to the checkerboard so the game could keep going, while another made me promise his new counselor would be as cool as me. So, for my first thing I'm thankful for this week:
1. My time in Grand Prairie. It hasn't always been great, but the one thing that I've loved is working with the kids, I will miss it.
After work, I went...gasp...Christmas shopping. Aside from slipping from my wet boot on the wet floor and falling on my left knee, which is now swollen the size of a grapefruit, it was a decent experience. I actually...gasp...finished my Christmas shopping!! Second thing I'm thankful for:
2. Close parking spaces at Borders, the Parks mall, Academy and Target, which totally decreased the amount of time it took for me to shop. I'm also thankful for my mom for instilling in me the need to make lists before I shop, it made shopping much easier. Though, Mindy would be distraught at how my list looks, lots of scratching out, rewriting and changed ideas.
3-5 of the Thankful list
3. My hubby, he's currently removing all of the files off of my GPISD laptop so I can turn it in tomorrow. 4 years worth of files, and I get to type my blog while it is done.
4. Lewis. So one of the rabbits had bunnies and they are super cute. Last night, Brian took one of them out and put it down so Lewis and Gracie could see it. Gracie, surprisingly didn't try to eat it. I think she was kind of freaked out by it because she just stood back. Lewis, on the other hand, went right up to it and gave it kisses. Then followed it around as it hopped all around the porch. So sweet.
5. The last week of 2008 is before me. It has by far, not been a banner year, though it's been good for lots of reasons: move to Granbury, start of my private practice, Disney world. All that being said, I'm pretty happy to see it go. Brian and I've already started making plans for 2009. We've decided that in 2009 we're going to get busy again. After spending an entire year taking care of ourselves, we're ready to get out there and start doing again. So far, we're looking into going on a mission trip to Mexico in the spring, going on a trip that my parents gave us before March, and possibly taking a couple of weeks to a month this summer to visit one of our missionaries and do some traveling. We don't want to just be sitting around waiting to get pregnant again. We feel like God was showing us in August that we will get pregnant when He decides it is time. So, until that time, we want to get busy. There's a lot of stuff we want to do, and we are tired of wasting time and not doing it. We could really use your prayers as we try to work through what we feel like God is telling us.
I hope your knee gets better and will definitely be praying for you in 2009
Just reading #2 and thinking about the way you list might have looked just raises my blood pressure! But since I love you so much I will over look it this one time!
Well, you know you're in our prayers and I can't wait to see how God is going to use you and Brian in the coming year! Love you@
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