Saturday, June 21, 2008


My best friend Rachel and I have committed to spending at least two days a week together this entire summer. It's for our own, and our spouses' sanity. Two hormone-medicated women just need to go ahead and be locked up together instead of expecting their husbands to have to deal with all that mess....

So anyway, on "Granbury" day, we decided to try the new Sandy Beach on Pearl Street, just outside of the square in downtown Granbury. To let you know a little about Granbury, it is divided in half by a very large, beautiful lake, that we live off of. We discovered the new and improved beach going in around Memorial Day and thought we'd check it out! Even though Joe says it's a fake beach, "a feach", it was AWESOME! We took our little lawn chairs and joined a handful of other people on the sandy shore. We walked out into the water, without shoes! It is sand all the way out, a big area for swimming, no mud and hardly any rocks. It also has grass cabanas with picnic tables, palm trees and a water park for the kiddos. Here are some pics, maybe this will get some of you out here to see me!


Maggie said...

glad you are blogging... I will add you to my freinds list.
That beach looks so fun... my kids would love it!

Becca said...

I think this is an excelent idea. I can't wait to hear about all the adventures you and Rachel will have!