I'm a control freak in a lot of ways and not being in control of my emotions has really driven me (pardon the phrase), CRAZY this last year. I've really tried taking a dose of my own medicine and started keeping track of my fluctuating feelings, identifying triggers and really preventing public breakdowns by letting myself stay home and recharge. I've always been an extrovert, (someone who gains energy from being around other people) but the last year or so I've changed a lot. I blame some of that on Brian, who has since marriage became more extroverted from his previous introverted (gaining energy from being alone) personality. He's stealing my identity. Good for him.
But I also attribute it to maturity and a natural reaction to the life events I've experienced in the last two years. I do not think being introverted is a bad thing, and I've actually begun to enjoy it. My favorite things to do now are curl up in my big yellow chair with a book, strap on my Iphone and go running (alone) to my awesome playlist of my all time favorite music, shopping for things for the house (alone), I'm sensing a pattern here. Don't get me wrong, I'm still all about hanging out, throwing righteous parties and going out on the town. (Having a Twilight party next weekend for anyone who's interested!! ) I just feel a little more balanced when I get some alone time too.
All this to say, I guess I've learned a lot about myself throughout this experience. I'm trying to get used to the emotional swings that comes from my medicine and the glorious experience that is infertility. And I'm trying to keep a positive attitude, all the while letting myself grieve if I need to. This post is a little scattered, but I guess it's mostly meant to let you know I'm ok, just doing the best I can as I click back up the coaster.
I haven't posted pictures in a while, so here's a couple from the Cowtown. We're running in the Granbury 5k Saturday and I'm really excited that Heather, a fellow run-hating/run-loving buddy will be running with me!
And here's some pics of Lewis and one of our new bunnies, Hoppie. We realized Hoppie might have dislocated his shoulder, so we put him on the grass to walk around thinking we may need to put him down if he's in a lot of pain. And then he did the stinkin cutest thing ever and started posing with Lewis. Bad news is, 5 of the 7 (Hoppie not included) new bunnies got out the other night and have gone AWOL. I'm just hoping they've run into the trees and have found new bunny friends to hang out with. So before my bleeding heart breaks, here's some adorable pics to put you in a better mood...
1 comment:
Hi Amy! My kids are on Spring Break too, so I haven't been doing my blog reading. Just caught up with your last two posts--oh, how well I identify with your ups and downs! Your writing is so expressive and descriptive--you really take me back and make all those feelings of fear and discouragement and elation and self-contemplation so fresh! I'm glad that for now you're making your way back up the coaster, and I would encourage you to read back over all the wonderfully encouraging comments you've received from women who have walked your road and truly understand your up-and-down emotions. Our stories all have different details but at heart we're all the same. Let us bear your burdens with you, Amy!
P.S. And by the way, it sounds to me like you have found a very healthy balance between your introverted and extroverted tendencies. Keep it up! Love you!
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